Meet, Chat, Hookup, Date.

Join RunsGirl.NG, to explore, connect and satisfy your desires with no limits.

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Location-Based Matchmaking

Location-Based Matchmaking

We match you with the best and most suitable partners based on your location.

Your Data Stays Private

Your Data Stays Private

Rest assured, your account remains secure on RunsGirl.NG. We will never disclose your data to third parties.

Your Information, Your Rules

Your Information, Your Rules

You dictate what personal information you share, giving you complete control.

How does RunsGirl.NG Work?

Create Account

First you need to register an account for free, fill your information and upload nice pictures to your profile.

Find Matches

After account creation, you'll be matched with people closer to you. Make sure to enable your location.

Plan a Date

Start chatting with your best matches to plan a date, meetup, hangout or hookup.

Sign Up, Chat, Hookup: Find a Match perfect for You on RunsGirl.NG.

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